Summary: | This paper presents the first attempt of teaching library instruction via a Web-based tutorial for a Psychology and Law online course taught during the summer of 2009 at Rider University. Students received information literacy instruction through the creation of an online tutorial to help them with their class project. The article includes a discussion of the close collaboration between the authors, a psychology faculty member and two librarians, the nature of the online course, the production of the tutorial, technology used, and future considerations. 本文介紹2009 年夏季在美國瑞德大學「心理與法律」線上課程所實施的線上圖書館利用教育個別指導。學生透過線上個別指導者提供資訊素養的個別教學,協助學生完成課堂作業。本文說明研究團隊,包括一位心理學教授和兩位圖書館員之間密切合作的討論過程、線上課程的本質、個別指導的產出成果、使用的科技,以及未來實施個別化資訊素養課程的規畫依據。 頁次:67-72