Summary: | The technological keywords extracted from patent documents have much information about a developed technology. We can understand the technological structure of a product by examining the results of patent analysis. So far, much research has been done on patent data analysis. The technological keywords of patent documents contain representative information on the developed technology. As such, the patent keyword is one of the most important factors in patent data analysis. In this paper, we propose a patent data analysis model combining a integer valued time series model and copula direction dependence for integer valued patent keyword analysis over time. Most patent keywords are frequency values and keywords often change over time. However, the existing patent keywords analysis works do not account for two major factors: integer value and time. For modeling integer valued keyword data with time factor, we use a copula directional dependence model based on marginal regression with a beta logit function and integer valued generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model. Using the proposed model, we find technological trends and relations in the target technological domain. To illustrate the performance and implication of our paper, we carry out experiments using the patent documents applied and registered by Apple company. This study contributes to the effective planning for the research and development of technologies by utilizing the evolution of technology over time.