Summary: | The Semiotics and Meaning Studies Program (SeS) is dedicated to the teaching, dissemination and generation of semiotic knowledge. Each of these activities has been driven by the firm conviction that semiotics is a discipline that occupies an important place in the various scientific and academic fields in which meaning is present and where speech is articulated. The semiotics that SeS develops has a series of components inherent in its university and cultural anchorage, characteristics which have modeled and distinguished, in some way, the current work and those that plan future actions.What does it mean when one advertises itself as a Semiotics and Meaning Studies Program? What semiotics are we talking about when there are several and when even within the perspectives that are most outstanding and represented by the most recognized researchers, there are also internal currents, specific semiotic theories that are waded through in the general theory? The following text will try to answer these questions through the recount that has been done to respond to the Signata call for papers.