Summary: | <p align="JUSTIFY"><span style="font-family: Garamond, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Il tema affrontato nell’articolo si configura in due parti: la prima in chiave pedagogico-didattica affronta problema relativo al come promuovere, in contesti educativi, una competenza ed una educazione interculturale; la seconda parte propone invece una riflessione sulla nozione di ‘integrazione’ e, più in generale, relativa alla scelta di un modello che permetta di vivere in modo pacifico ed armonico con persone ‘diverse’ da noi, cioè persone che hanno convinzioni, tradizioni, lingua e cultura diverse dalle nostre.</span></span></p><p align="JUSTIFY"> </p><p align="JUSTIFY"> </p><p lang="en-US" align="JUSTIFY"><span style="font-family: Garamond, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>Plural and comparative approaches to teaching to develop ‘community cohesion’</strong></span></span></p><p lang="en-US" align="JUSTIFY"> </p><p align="JUSTIFY"><span style="font-family: Garamond, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><span lang="en-US">The issue addressed in the article is divided into in two parts: the first, from a pedagogical-teaching methods point of view, addresses the problem of how to promote expertise and intercultural education in educational contexts. The second section presents a reflection on the notion of ‘integration’ and, more generally, on the choice of a model that promotes peace and harmony with people ‘different’ from us, that is, people who have beliefs, traditions, language and culture different from ours.</span></span></span></p>