Alderaketa adierazkorrak. Bezain-en erabilera euskaraz

Lan honetan “alderaketa adierazkor” deitu ditugun erkaketak biltzen ditugu, gehien-gehienak literaturatik hartuak, nahiz badiren belarriz jaso ditugun bakan zenbait ere. Jakina den bezala, gure inguruko hizkuntzetan (gaztelanian, frantsesean eta ingelesean, besteak beste) honelakoak ohikoak dira,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Peio Kamino Kaminondo, Patxi Salaberri Zaratiegi
Format: Article
Published: Gobierno de Navarra 2008-12-01
Series:Fontes Linguae Vasconum
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Summary:Lan honetan “alderaketa adierazkor” deitu ditugun erkaketak biltzen ditugu, gehien-gehienak literaturatik hartuak, nahiz badiren belarriz jaso ditugun bakan zenbait ere. Jakina den bezala, gure inguruko hizkuntzetan (gaztelanian, frantsesean eta ingelesean, besteak beste) honelakoak ohikoak dira, hiztunak ia ohartu gabe ibiltzen ditu, hizkuntza horiek duten gizarte presentzia handiagatik. Euskaraz, berriz, franko ardurakoak dira literaturan, baina ez hainbeste eguneroko solasean –aldeak alde eta lekuak leku–, segurrenik ere gure mintzairak gizartean duen presentzia ttipiagatik. Bestalde, desberdintasun zerbait hauteman dugu Iparraldeko eta Hegoaldeko usadioen artean, mendiez goitiko alderdian usuenik bezain kausitzen baitugu eta mendiez honaindian, berriz, baino...-ago, nahiz, jakina, bi eremuetan biak azaltzen diren. Alegia, aldatzen dena proportzioa da, erabilera maiztasuna. In this article, we deal with what we have called “expressive comparisons”. Most of these have been taken from literature, although some examples have been collected from spoken Basque. As is known, in the languages in our environment (Castilian, French, English, etc.), comparisons of this type are numerous, speakers using them almost without realising, due, without doubt, to the strong social presence of these languages. In the case of Basque, however, despite being quite frequent in literary works, they are far less so –bar exceptions– in the spoken language, probably due to its scant presence in society. We would also like to highlight the difference observed between continental and peninsular Vasconia: while in the former, the most habitual form is the one employing bezain, in the second, the most frequent is the compa - rison which uses baino...-ago. We would like to point out, however, that both are used on both sides of the Pyrenees, the difference being proportion, the frequency of use of one or the other form.