Анистратенко Антонина, Мойсей Антоний. Путешествие во времени как отголосок ритуальной пластики фольклорных обрядов в художественной прозе. Художественная литература как вид искусства проистекает из фольклорной традиции и, глубже, в мистических верованиях, что ей предшествовали. Путешествие во време...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Антоніна АНІСТРАТЕНКО, Антоній МОЙСЕЙ
Format: Article
Published: Bukovinian State Medical university 2017-09-01
Series:Aktualʹnì Pitannâ Suspìlʹnih Nauk ta Istorìï Medicini
Online Access:https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YnNtdS5lZHUudWF8YXBzbmltfGd4OjI1Yzg4NWE0MDIxZGFmZDQ
Summary:Анистратенко Антонина, Мойсей Антоний. Путешествие во времени как отголосок ритуальной пластики фольклорных обрядов в художественной прозе. Художественная литература как вид искусства проистекает из фольклорной традиции и, глубже, в мистических верованиях, что ей предшествовали. Путешествие во времени как прием в художественной литературе, по нашему мнению, имеет гораздо более глубокие корни и относится к началу периода господства мифологического мировоззрения. В данной статье мы попытаемся осветить особенности, характер и способ заимствования приема путешествия во времени из фольклорной пластической обрядности в художественной прозе на материале современной украинской литературы. Для реализации анализа авторами взяты за основу образцы современных романов с использованием путешествия во времени: В. Кожелянко «ЛжеНострадамус», В. Пелевин «Generation П», Ю. Щербак «Время смертохристов» и историко-этнографические исследования, основанные на полевом материале, в т. числе пластических и драматических обрядов украинцев. Ключевые слова: путешествие во времени, современная проза, пародийность, условность, хронотоп. Anistratenko Antonina, Moysey Antoniy. A time travel as plastics aftersound of ritual folk ceremonials in the artistic prose.The artistic prose as a form of art appear in the folk tradition and, more deeply, in the mystical beliefs that preceded it. The journey in time as a reception in fiction has much deeper roots and comes from the period of domination of the mythological worldview, in our opinion. In the proposed article we will try to analize the peculiarities, the nature and method of borrowing from the folklore plastic rituals into artistic prose on the material of modern Ukrainian literature. For the analysis result the authors use the samples of contemporary novels using time travel: the "False Nostradamus" V.V. Kozhelanko, "Generation P" V.Yu.Shrebak, "Time of Deaths of Christ" and historical and ethnographic materials, based on field material, on Plastic and dramatic rituals of Ukrainians. The time in the literary work plays a conceptual role for the genealogical marking. Therefore, is developing the problems of chronotopic inversion in modernist literature, the manifestations of the time space of an artistic work, the origin of elements of time repeatedly became the subject of close study of literary critics. These are, first and foremost, such works as V. Danilenko's monograph "The Harvest in the Desert", "The Structure of the Artistic Text" by Y. Lotman, "The Forms of Time in the Chronotop of the Novel" by M. Bakhtin, "The Chronotop" by L. Gogotiishvili, "The Chronotop as an Aspect of the Study of the Slavic Romanticism "by N. Kopistyanskaya," Categories of Medieval Culture" by A. Gurevich, works by A. Durkheim, V. Cabo and others. The basis for the realization of travel in time isthere is also combined with the ceremonial drama, besides the unstable and non-vectored time manifestation. In the national calendar, the greatest unit of measurement of the annual time is the season of the season changes. According to folk tradition, off-season boundaries are fuzzy, they differ in different regions. This is how cyclical the recurring calendar time is expressed. In order to make the trip, it used proclamations and ritual actions with certain objects, for example, a cherry or apple tree that was kept, torn during the flowering period and could affect the speed of the winter and spring arrivals. Before the realization of the journey in time in the work of art is also a condition that causes a shift of timeplanes. A way of fixing the conditionality in fiction, which was secured by the existence of magical plastic rituals, when the magician conducting ritualism causes the realization or materialization of the intentioned out of time. From idea to creation does not pass any time interval, as is customary in the historical flow of time. This happens due to identtification. We can conclude that the methods and concepts of borrowing and fixing the shift of time planes or traveling in time as a way of accepting artistic prose are considered in the article, it is worth mentioning the following principles: the switching of the recipient from linear time to calendar cycle time, providing characters (for example, Clim Starigl of the novel "False Nostradamus" by V.Kozhelanko) of supernatural possibilities, in particular, dominating over absolute time, overcoming the distance in time from the preseent to the future (divination). Key words: travel in time, modern prose, parody, convention, chronotope.