Summary: | This issue, the amplest we have published up to now, dedicates the whole ‘Articles’ section to a collection of selected papers on the political, economic and cultural heritage of the Reformation in present-day Europe, seen from the point of view of intellectual history. The papers were originally presented at an international workshop on ‘Luther’s modernity’ that took place in Turin in 2017, to celebrate the 500thanniversary of the Reformation, at the Department of Historical Studies, in collaboration with the University of Neuchâtel and the CEDRE (Centre européen d’études républicaines). The collection opens with the Introduction by the editors of the special issue, Manuela Albertone and Olivier Christin.
The “Notes” section sees the second installment in the series of Research Reports that we commenced in 2014. It also inaugurates a train of reflection on digital humanities and the history of ideas that we hope will be long and fruitful.