Summary: | This paper deals with global (also called isarithmic) congestion avoidance in computer communication networks. In this technique, data traffic inside a computer network is kept to a comfortable level by imposing an upper limit on the number of data packets that can be present in the network at any time. This technique is implemented by using permits. A message seeking entry into the network must acquire a permit and a message leaving the network must release the permit. The paper shows that performance of a computer network using isarithmic congestion avoidance, depends upon the distribution oi permits among the network nodes. The paper considers three schemes for distribution of permits: complete sharing (CS), complete partitioning (CP), and proportional sharing (PS). The main idea behind these schemes is to prevent active users from monopolizing all the permits and also to prevent relatively inactive users from starving for permits. This paper presents a comparison of these schemes by simulation a ten-node computer network. Simulation results are presented in terms of average message delay and throughput. It has been observed that the proportional sharing scheme gives the best overall performance.