Summary: | 由於網際網路與數位科技的快速發展,數位匯流已經成為通訊傳播產業發展的主要潮流。數位匯流在技術上代表著不同數位產品間的功能整合;在產業面,則象徵著不同通訊傳播產業間的垂直整合。就管制面而言,數位匯流顛覆了原本以傳輸技術為區分基礎的通訊管制體系,並引發論者關於多媒體事業濫用市場力的疑慮。我國甫通過通訊傳播基本法及國家通訊傳播委員會組織法,並於今年成立國家通訊傳播委員會,以因應數位匯流的挑戰。
With the advancement of the Internet and digital technologies, digital convergence has become a significant trend in the communications industry. In terms of technology, digital convergence means the integration between different digital products; it also symbolizes the vertical integration between different communications industries. Nonetheless, digital convergence has brought rigorous challenges to the existing regulatory framework, which divides up the landscape based on traditional services and technologies. Moreover, such convergence may enable businesses to further leverage their market power to neighboring markets, and, thus, lead to antitrust concerns. In order to cope with regulatory issues with regard to digital convergence, the Taiwanese government just enacted Communications Basic Law, and established the National Communications Commission (NCC). This paper not only portraits the challenges facing NCC, but also introduces some potential regulatory responses, such as layered model and technology neutrality doctrine.