Summary: | Bone island or enostosis is an enigmatic lesion affecting the skeleton system. As these anomalies have limited clinical implications owing to an asymptomatic course with most cases diagnosed incidentally, the exact etiopathogenesis is not clearly understood. A lot has been studied regarding radiological features and morphology despite scarce clinical cases and relevant studies. More research is warranted to provide in-depth details of these lesions that has potential to enlighten us with newer aspects of bone metabolism and properties. These lesions might just not be an aberration and may offer important clues about bone behavior and morphogenesis. Bone islands, when in large number, are associated with equally fascinating disorder called osteopoikilosis. This review, however, does not include osteopoikilosis on purpose. Hand involvement, although rarer, has been described and a short review is attempted to acknowledge that apart from relevant facts on diagnosis and management. [Hand Microsurg 2018; 7(2.000): 93-97]