Historian and Historiography in the Mirror of an Anniversary. A Review of: S.N. Poltorak, I.A. Tropov, et al., eds. Gosudarstvo, obshchestvo, lichnost' v istorii Rossii (XVIII–XX vv.): Sbornik nauchnykh trudov k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya doktora istoricheskikh nauk, professora Vladlena Semenovicha Izmozika [State, society, person in the history of Russia (18th – 20th centuries): Collection of scientific works to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Vladlen Semenovich Izmozik]. St Petersburg: Poltorak, 2018.
by: Anton Vsevolodov
Published: (2019-09-01)