Summary: | OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial (HTA) y los factores de riesgo asociados en escolares de 6 a 12 años, con la metodología aceptada. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se examinaron 329 alumnos de educación primaria para investigar asociaciones entre HTA, índice de masa corporal (IMC), edad y género, usando un estudio transversal. Se midió la presión arterial y se utilizó el percentil 95 para diagnosticar HTA. Se compararon niños con y sin HTA. Se utilizaron las razones de momios simple y ajustada con la X² de Mantel-Haenszel como medidas de asociación. RESULTADOS: Los niños con sobrepeso (IMC > 85 percentil) y del grupo de 11-12 años tuvieron al menos cuatro veces más posibilidades de HTA después de controlar variables confusoras. CONCLUSIONES: Los niños que presentaron HTA ascendieron a 4.9%, con mayor prevalencia entre aquellos con sobrepeso y pertenecientes a un grupo etario mayor. Las asociaciones encontradas pueden ser marcadores de HTA en niños mexicanos.<br>OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of high blood pressure (HBP) in school children 6 to 12 years of age with the accepted methodology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Elementary school children were examined (n=329). Associations between HBP, body mass index (BMI), age and gender were investigated using a cross-sectional study. Blood pressure was measured and the 95th percentile was used to determine HBP. Comparisons between children with and without HBP were made. The crude and X² Mantel-Haenszel adjusted odds ratios were used as measures of association. RESULTS: Overweight children (BMI >85th percentile) and those in the age group 11-12 years were at least four times as likely to present with HBP after controlling for confounding factors. CONCLUSION: A total of 4.9% of school children had HBP, with a higher prevalence occurring among overweight and the older group. The associations found here can be used as markers for an increased likelihood of HBP in Mexican children.