Mathematic model of three-phase induction machine connected to advanced inverter for traction system for electric trolley

<p id="para1">This paper establishes a mathematical model of induction machine connected to a frequency inverter necessary to adjust the electric motor drive. The mathematical model based on the Park's theory allows the analysis of the whole spectrum (electric car &#8211; fr...

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Format: Article
Published: Academia Brasileira de Ciências 2013-06-01
Series:Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
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Summary:<p id="para1">This paper establishes a mathematical model of induction machine connected to a frequency inverter necessary to adjust the electric motor drive. The mathematical model based on the Park's theory allows the analysis of the whole spectrum (electric car &#8211; frequency inverter) to drive the electric trolley bus made on ASTRA Bus Arad (Romania). To remove higher order harmonics, the PWM waveform of supply voltage is used, set in the general case. Operating characteristics of electric motor drive are set to sub-nominal frequency (f < 50 Hz) and for different angles of the control switching elements in the construction of the inverter. Tensions in the stator of the equivalent machine are determined by three components: the fundamental component; the second component corresponding to the higher order harmonics, which rotate in direct connection; and the appropriate third component of higher order harmonics, which are rotated in reverse. The mathematical model developed will help to determine the harmonics which have a negative influence on the performance of the electric engine and also determines the control angle of the switching elements to remove these harmonics, (<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B01">Bele 2007</xref>).</p><br><p id="para2">Este documento estabelece um modelo matem&#225;tico de m&#225;quina de indu&#231;&#227;o conectado a um inversor de frequ&#234;ncia necess&#225;rio para ajustar o motor de acionamento el&#233;trico. O modelo matem&#225;tico baseado na Teoria de Park permite a an&#225;lise de todo o espectro (carro el&#233;trico com inversor de frequ&#234;ncia) para dirigir o &#244;nibus el&#233;trico feito em ASTRA Bus Arad (Rom&#234;nia). Para remover harm&#244;nicas de ordem mais alta, a forma de onda da tens&#227;o de alimenta&#231;&#227;o PWM &#233; utilizado, definido no caso geral. Caracter&#237;sticas de funcionamento do motor de acionamento el&#233;trico s&#227;o definidas para frequ&#234;ncia sub-nominal (f <50 Hz), e para diferentes &#226;ngulos de controle da comuta&#231;&#227;o de elementos de constru&#231;&#227;o do inversor. Tens&#245;es no estator da m&#225;quina equivalente &#233; determinado por tr&#234;s componentes: o componente fundamental; segundo componente correspondente &#224; maior harm&#244;nicas de ordem, que giram em conex&#227;o direta, e os terceiros componentes de maior harm&#244;nicas de ordem, que s&#227;o giradas em sentido inverso. O modelo matem&#225;tico desenvolvido vai ajudar a determinar as harm&#244;nicas que t&#234;m uma influ&#234;ncia negativa sobre o desempenho do motor el&#233;trico e tamb&#233;m determina o &#226;ngulo de controle dos elementos de comuta&#231;&#227;o para remover essas harm&#244;nicas.</p>