Summary: | The
supersymmetric mKdVB system is transformed to a coupled bosonic system by using the bosonization approach. By a singularity structure analysis, the bosonized supersymmetric mKdVB (BSmKdVB) equation admits the Painlevé property. Starting from the standard truncated Painlevé method, the nonlocal symmetry for the BSmKdVB equation is obtained. To solve the first Lie’s principle related with the nonlocal symmetry, the nonlocal symmetry is localized to the Lie point symmetry by introducing multiple new fields. Thanks to localization processes, similarity reductions for the prolonged systems are studied by the Lie point symmetry method. The interaction solutions among solitons and other complicated waves including Painlevé II waves and periodic cnoidal waves are given through the reduction theorems. The soliton-cnoidal wave interaction solutions are explicitly given by using the mapping and deformation method. The concrete soliton-cnoidal interaction solutions are displayed both in analytical and graphical ways.