Summary: | This study builds individual households on the reasons for taking or not taking out a fire insurance policy. The main purpose of this study was to determine either demographic characteristics or level of anxiety was effective in taking out fire insurance policy. However, information about individuals’ perception of fire insurance was tried to be reached. For this purpose a questionnaire involving some demographic characteristics of individuals and also an international –Beck A-anxiety scale which aims at the determination of individuals level of anxiety was designed. The survey about individuals’ perce
ptions of fire insurance was conducted face-to-face to 619 homeowners after excluding incorrectly entered questionnaires. According to the survey results obtained from the analysis, there is a significant association between the anxiety levels and taking out fire insurance policy. In addition, value of the housing and witnessing a fire within the vicinity of the house affect the perception of fire insurance policy. Individuals have been acted in agreement with expected utility theory, at the same time have not been acted different from efficient market hypothesis