Summary: | Educational transformations in Ukraine are caused by the need to improve the quality and competitiveness of education, progressive dynamics of the education system and its integration into the world educational space.
Such major changes as the need to implement the principles of freedom, autonomy, collective responsibility in modern management of educational institutions, requires a change in strategy and tactics of management performed by school heads. This, in turn, puts the responsibility on personality of a manager, who has to be ready to operate in such conditions.
Identifying the concept of personal readiness for carrying out activities in conditions of changes allows us to predict the effectiveness of managers’ management based on their professionally important qualities. In order to analyse the personality profile and studying of indexes of the managers’ personal readiness we conducted an empirical study. Testing was carried out by using a personality questionnaire 15FQ + (of a Psytech International company). The software is provided by the project «ELITE» of program TEMPUS.
In general, we can conclude that the manager of secondary education institutions do not have the optimal level of personal readiness for activities in conditions of changes. They are not always ready to take responsibility for making decisions, tend to use old approaches, demonstrate social desirability and lack of strategic vision in solving problems. They, for the most part, overreact to problems, and are excessively optimistic – can not objectively assess the conditions and respond quickly to changes. It should be noted that the managers demonstrate openness, are ready to provide emotional support and show diplomacy when interacting with others, which is a positive aspect.