Summary: | This report of experience has as main objective to make approximations of the contributions of the Green Chemistry (QV) to the formative process of graduates in Chemistry, bringing experiences of the International Mobility Paulo Freire realized in the National Pedagogical University (UPN) in a Brazil-Colombia relation about the activities developed in the classroom and in the field. We intend with this work to broaden the discussions about the need for QV in the initial and continuing training curriculum of undergraduate chemistry teachers. This way it is presented some of the areas visited that correspond to the departments of Cundinamarca, Caldas and Antioquia held in the discipline of QV and from this perspective we seek to relate the different spaces mentioned here with the importance of the experiences for the teacher training process and for their practice professional, making a parallel with the training curriculum of Chemistry teachers of the University of origin Federal University of the Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM).