Summary: | Resumen: Este artículo explora las
posibilidades del texto literario como
instrumento eficaz para incrementar
la competencia comunicativa y
cultural a través de una propuesta de
unidad didáctica por tareas dirigida a
alumnos de ELE, nivel B2, y que
permite ser explotada con técnicas de
gamificación. Se utilizará la novela
policíaca La playa de los ahogados
(2009), de Domingo Villar, escrita
originariamente en gallego (A praia
dos afogados) y adaptada
cinematográficamente en 2015. Este
hecho permite introducir la
dimensión transmedial (texto y
audiovisual) del proyecto narrativo.
Con ello se pretende, igualmente,
explotar el aspecto geográfico de la
literatura, como contenido relevante
para abordar la diversidad cultural
hispánica. Los elementos de suspense
(conseguidos a través de recursos
como la creación de escenarios reales
-Vigo y su entorno-, un crimen, un
detective y unos sospechosos),
propician el estímulo a la lectura, que
se potenciará con tareas, cuya
estación final estimula la imaginación
y la escritura creativa por parte de los
Abstract: This article explores the
possibilities of the literary text as an
effective instrument to increase
communicative and cultural
competence through a proposal of a
didactic unit which was built on two
didactic perspectives: a task-based
approach and gamification
proceedings. The target group would
be composed of Spanish as a Foreign
Language (SFL) students, who belong
to the B2 level according to the
Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (2001). This
didactic unit is based on the crime
fiction entitled La playa de los ahogados
(2009), which was written originally in
Galician language by Domingo Villar
(A praia dos afogados). Later on, in
2015, its adaptation to the cinema
allowed us to introduce the transmedia
dimension (text and audiovisual) into
the project narrative. Geographical
aspects of literature will be unveiled
along this article, all of which would
result in an effective instrument to
deepen into the diversity of the
Hispanic culture. The suspense
elements (reached out through
different resources such as the creation
of real scenarios -Vigo and its
surroundings-, a crime, a detective and
some suspects), encourage reading
through exploratory tasks, whose final
aim is to stimulate student´s
imagination and creative writing