Summary: | <p><strong>Purpose</strong></p><p class="a">Explore of primary school teacher’s professional activity as metaindividuality’s characteristic. This form of teacher’s metaindividuality is manifested in the effect teacher on educational activity and personality of students.</p><p><strong>Methodology</strong></p><p class="a">The sample consisted of 137 teachers and their students. Methods: Teacher Activity Questionnaire (TAQ) (A.A. Volochkov), Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ – 12PF) (R. Cattell), Educational Activity Questionnaire Primary School Children (A.V. Krasnov). Statistical methods: T-tests, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.</p><p><strong>Results</strong></p><p>Students of teacher with low level of professional activity differ from the students of teacher with high level of professional activity by personal traits, expression of individual components of educational activity, the structure of educational activity.</p><p><strong>DOI: <a href=""></a></strong></p>