Summary: | Humans have devised machines to replace computation by individuals since ancient times: The abacus predated the written Hindu–Arabic numeral system by centuries. We owe a quantum leap in the development of machines to help problem solve to the British mathematician Charles Babbage who built what he called the Difference Engine in the mid-19th century. But the Turing formula created in 1936 is the foundation for the modern computer; it produced printed symbols on paper tape that listed a series of logical instructions. Three decades later, Olivetti manufactured the first mass-marketed desktop computer (1964), and by 1981, IBM had developed the first personal computer. Computing machines have become more and more powerful, culminating recently in Google’s claim that it had achieved quantum supremacy in developing a system that can complete a task in 200 seconds that it would take the most powerful type of classical computer available 10 000 years to achieve. In short, we are in a period of human history in which we are creating more and more powerful and complex machines potentially capable of duplicating human intelligence and indeed surpassing/expanding its power. We are solidly in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). Increasing interest in the development of AI and its application to human health at all levels makes a roundtable discussion by experts a valuable project for publication in our journal, Gender and the Genome , the official journal of the Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine and the International Society of Gender Medicine.