Summary: | Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de 71 años, a quien ingresado en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, se le diagnosticó, mediante exámenes imagenológicos, un tumor en el uréter distal izquierdo, que ocasionaba ureterohidronefrosis. Habiendo sido operado por esa causa, en el período posquirúrgico se complicó tan gravemente que falleció. El resultado de la necropsia confirmó la presencia de necrosis isquémica intestinal, trombosis mesentérica, ateromatosis aórtica, carcinoma transicional de uréter que infiltraba la vejiga, aneurisma trombosado de la aorta abdominal, tromboembolismo pulmonar e hipertrofia, así como dilatación cardíaca global.<br>ABSTRACT The case report of a 71 year-old patient, admitted to "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital from Santiago de Cuba, to whom a tumor in the left distal urether was diagnosed by means of image tests, which caused retherohydronephrosis, is presented. He had so many complications in the postsurgical period that he died due to that cause. The result of necropsy confirmed the presence of intestinal ischemic necrosis, mesenteric thrombosis, aortic atheromatosis, urether transitional carcinoma infiltrating the bladder, trombotic aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, lung tromboembolism and hypertrophy, as well as global heart dilation.