Summary: | The extent of COVID 19 pandemic results in closing down the universities and colleges across the world. The most vulnerable of tuition-dependent institutions, particularly the ones already facing demographically driven declines in demand, will be the hardest hit by the pandemic. The online teaching learning and assessment at this time becomes a crucial part of education. Taking the online test was crucial as lots of malpractices would happen. The developing countries like India, where the advancement of e-learning, online education, MOOC has not reached its peak level, the assessment and evaluation of students becomes very difficult. Due to unforeseen situation like COVID-19 lockdown, the above paper shares a fruitful experience of conducting online case study-based paper and its online evaluation. The case study was conducted in the classrooms of the undergraduate class of NMIMS University for Multimedia Systems Course. This case study-based paper leaves with the message of acceptability of the online teaching-learning and its effect near the future.