Summary: | What’s the argument; who’s arguing? ; and, how does resolving that architecture is the making of metaphors settle the argument? Through analogies, similes and evidence I present arguments supporting the resolutions surrounding the way architects and urban designers make metaphors. This is done by presenting the thinking on making both natural and synthetic cities as well the design of buildings and neighborhoods. Cited throughout are evidence of linguistic, cognitive, psychological and philosophical mechanisms of the metaphor and their applicability. All of this to reify the stasis of 'architecture as an art' by the inference that, 'as art [A], it too, makes metaphors'. This argument is relevant to communicate between unlike peoples, disciplines and roles [C] in the creative process. The relevance of this monograph is that it provides the 'authoritative evidence' defining the architects, planners, and designers' scope of services and owners' conceptual basis for considering projects. For cognitive, linguists and other scientist this monograph provides the evidence for application and of theory.