Summary: | Between 1927 and 1930, Demetrio Peralta Miranda (Puno, 1910 – Lima, 1971), under the pen name “Diego Kunurana”, published a series of woodcuts in the Boletín Titikaka, the famed Puno-based avant-garde Indigenista journal. The woodcuts remain the first recorded example of Kunurana´s work. Meanwhile, the Boletín Titikaka, headed by Gamaliel Churata, leader of the Orkopata Group, proposed an ideological position which aimed to establishing a defined aesthetic for Native American art through articles and literatura essays. Thus, this article will address Kunurana´s woodcuts and attempt to establish a relationship between these and the graphical content of Boletín Titikaka, looking forward to analyze if the former could be defined as the aesthetic expression of the latter.