Summary: | Isolated pancreas metastases are a rare type of metastasis of renal cell carcinoma, characterized by the presence of pancreatic metastases, while all other organs remain unaffected. In a previous study, we determined arguments from the literature which (a) indicate a systemic−haematogenic metastasis route (uniform distribution of the metastases across the pancreas and independence of the metastatic localization in the pancreas of the side of the renal carcinoma); and (b) postulate a high impact of a seed and soil mechanism (SSM) on isolated pancreatic metastasis of renal cell carcinoma (isPM) as an explanation for exclusive pancreatic metastases, despite a systemic haematogenous tumor cell embolization. The objective of the study presented was to search for further arguments in favor of an SSM with isPM. For that purpose, the factor’s histology, grading, and singular/multiple pancreas metastases were analyzed on the basis of 814 observations published up to 2018. While histology and grading allowed for no conclusions regarding the importance of an SSM, the comparison of singular/multiple pancreas metastases produced arguments in favor of an SSM: 1. The multiple pancreas metastases observed in 38.1% prove that multiple tumor cell embolisms occur with isPM, the exclusive “maturation” of which in the pancreas requires an SSM; 2. The survival rates (SVR), which are consistent with singular and multiple pancreas metastases (despite the higher total tumor load with the latter), prove that the metastasized tumor cells are not able to survive in all other organs because of an SSM, which results in identical SVR when the pancreatic foci are treated adequately.