Summary: | 商業競爭激烈,企業常利用法律之名打壓競爭對手。尤其在「真品平行輸入」的情況下,假著作權保護之名而行市場限制競爭之實的案件層出不窮,更彰顯以著作權限制競爭的爭議性。針對專屬被授權人可否以商品包裝之標籤著作物禁止真品商品平行輸入到加拿大的爭議,加拿大最高法院在Euro-Excellence Inc. v. Kraft Canada Inc. 案判輸入商勝訴。本文介紹Euro-Excellence Inc. v. Kraft Canada Inc. 案,並彙整加拿大最高法院之見解,接而藉由比較法方式探討我國相關規定與實務見解,最後提出本文之建議以供日
With stiff business competition, companies often try to suppress competition in the name of the law. To prevent parallel importation, companies increasingly sue their competitors for copyright infringement for the purpose of suppressing the
competition. For an issue of whether an exclusive licensee can enjoin an unauthorized importation of genuine goods to Canada for sale, the Supreme Court of Canada in Euro-Excellence Inc. v. Kraft Canada Inc. ruled in favor of the importer. This paper discusses the outcome of Euro-Excellence Inc. v. Kraft Canada Inc. and addresses key issues of “copyright holders’ legitimate economic interests” and “incidental copyrighted works to the consumer goods”. This paper further explores similar issues and cases of parallel importation in Taiwan and provides the author’s recommendations for future legislative reference in regulating grey market goods in Taiwan.