Summary: | The study of the gas phase of aerosol produced by electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) consists of assessing the content of carbon monoxide, which is included in the World Health Organization list of nine priority toxic substances. The article presents the results of determining the content of carbon monoxide (CO) in the gas phase of aerosol of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) with various design features obtained by collecting aerosol on a Cerulean SM 450 smoking machine according to ISO 20768 and in ISO 20768 experimental mode. Carbon monoxide content in the gas phase aerosol of electronic nicotine delivery systems of various designs has been compared. It has been found that the gas phase of the aerosol produced by the LogicPro devices contains trace amounts of CO, which is associated with the stable operation of devices with a relatively low power and temperature during aerosol generation and ranges from 0,007 to 0,05 mg / puff. The results on the production of CO by «eGo AIO» devices have shown that when using them, the CO content is from 0,18 to 1,18 mg per puff, obtained according to ISO 20768exp., which can cause more harm than smoking regular cigarettes, since according to the mandatory the requirements of Chapter 5 of CU TR 035/2014, the content of carbon monoxide in the smoke of one filter cigarette cannot exceed 10 mg per cigarette. The lack of standardized methods for collecting aerosol of nicotine-containing products, established technical requirements and standards for the content of toxic substances, a methodological basis for monitoring the composition of substances released during the operation of nicotine-containing products, as well as the content of CO in aerosols of ENDS of various designs, is an undoubted risk for consumers. It is necessary to develop and implement a system for technical regulation of nicotine-containing products and standardization of toxic substances in the aerosol of these products.