Summary: | Introduction: The professionalization of psychiatric nursing started in 1928 with the inclusion of the subject "Care of mental and nervous patients" in the curriculum of the nursing career at the University of Chile.
Objective: To reveal social representations regarding the professional role of nurses in the Psychiatric Hospital in the 60's.
Material and method: Qualitative research from the constructivist paradigm, descriptive type, historical methodology of documentary review and oral history. The study units were: a) the nurses who worked in the Psychiatric Hospital in the 60's and b) the revision of primary documents. The data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews and historical documents. The analysis was carried out using the constant comparative method and supported by the Atlas.Ti software. The criteria of methodological rigor and the 7 ethical principles of Ezequiel Emanuel were applied, a project approved by the Scientific Ethics Committee.
Results: 1 thematic core emerged: social representation. As subcategories: *Valuable ideology in career choice and development; *Professionalism and social determinants; *Integral care as a social response.
Discussion: Higlight the asistential care, delegation of medical procedures. Conclusion: Professional psychiatric nursing began in the 60's.