Summary: | The nuclear reactors themselves are complex systems whose responses are driven by interactions between different physics phenomena within the reactor core. Traditionally, the different physics phenomena have been analyzed separately and its interaction considered via boundary conditions or closure models. However, in parallel with the development of computational technology, multi-physics coupled simulations are being used to obtain accurate predictions thanks to the consideration of the feedback effects on the fly (on-line). In the nuclear systems the fuel temperature is an important feedback parameter used to obtain the nuclear cross sections at given conditions by the neutron kinetics codes.
An accurate prediction of temperature profile within the fuel rod involve several physics such as neutron kinetics, mechanics, material behavior and properties, heat transfer, thermal-hydraulics, and even chemistry. The pellet to clad gap conductance is possibly the most important source of uncertainty in the solution of conductivity equation in the fuel rod and the fuel temperature prediction. The gap conductance depends on two effects: the pellet to gap distance and the conductivity of the gas species that fill the gap.
In this research work, the authors are focused on improving of the prediction of the gap gas conductivity in CTFFuel by implementing a fission gas release model in the code. The objective of this contribution is the implementation of a transient fission gas release model in CTFFuel and its validation using the experimental data available in the OECD/NEA International Fuel Performance Experiments (IFPE) database. CTFFuel is an isolated fuel heat transfer capability within the framework of CTF code, the state-of-the-art version of the Coolant Boiling in Rod Arrays Code – Two-Fluid (COBRA-TF) sub-channel thermal-hydraulic code. The code is being jointly developed by North Carolina State University (NCSU) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) within the US Department of Energy (DOE) Consortium for Advanced Simulation of LWRs (CASL).