Summary: | Inspired by our attendance at the 16th Annual Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC) Pre-Conference and their call to undertake ways in which race, decolonization, and unsettling research can shift the lens of traditional language and literacy approaches, we have come together to experiment with métissage (Hasebe-Ludt et. al, 2009) as a writing and research praxis. Using this “writing as inquiry” (Richardson & St. Pierre, 2005) methodological and theoretical approach, we embark upon our métissage of making kin. With research interests in the fields of Indigenous Language Revitalization (Benson), Ecojustice Education (Lemon), and Decolonial/Equitable Teacher Education and Schooling (Thomas), we weave together our micro-stories, provoked by the temporal questions: Where do we come from? Where are we right now? Where do we hope things will go?