Summary: | <span>La Universidad, es centro de múltiples debates en el Planeta Tierra, esta institución ha venido respondiendo al desarrollo de las ciencias y es epicentro de reflexión de los grandes problemas de la sociedad moderna. Como proyecto histórico de la sociedad, requiere adelantar ese proceso de reajuste institucional y organizacional. Paralelamente, debe construir con diversos puntos de vista su dinámica y roles Inter-extra institucionales, afín de fortalecer su eje social profesional, mirando su perfil profesional, competencias profesionales y escenarios de praxis.</span><br /><br /><br /><strong>Abstract</strong><br /><br /><span>The University is the center of multiple discussions on planet Earth, this institution has been responding to the development of science and is epicenter of reflection of the great problems of modern society. As historical society project, it requires to get ahead this process of institutional and organizational realignment. At the same time, the university must build with different points of view its dynamics and extra-inter institutional roles, to strengthen its professional social axis, taking into account its professional profile, professional skills and settings of practice.</span>