Summary: | This paper analyzes a new method for reducing boiling water reactor fuel temperature during a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). The method uses a device called Reverse Flow Restriction Device (RFRD) at the inlet of fuel bundles in the core to prevent coolant loss from the bundle inlet due to the reverse flow after a large break in the recirculation loop. The device allows for flow in the forward direction which occurs during normal operation, while after the break, the RFRD device changes its status to prevent reverse flow. In this paper, a detailed simulation of LOCA has been carried out using the U.S. NRC's TRACE code to investigate the effect of RFRD on the flow rate as well as peak clad temperature of BWR fuel bundles during three different LOCA scenarios: small break LOCA (25% LOCA), large break LOCA (100% LOCA), and double-ended guillotine break (200% LOCA). The results demonstrated that the device could substantially block flow reversal in fuel bundles during LOCA, allowing for coolant to remain in the core during the coolant blowdown phase. The device can retain additional cooling water after activating the emergency systems, which maintains the peak clad temperature at lower levels. Moreover, the RFRD achieved the reflood phase (when the saturation temperature of the clad is restored) earlier than without the RFRD. Keywords: LOCA, Reverse flow, TRACE, BWR, Thermal-hydraulic