Summary: | Inelastic proton scattering at energies of a few 100 MeV and forward angles including 0° provides a novel method to measure gamma strength functions (GSF) in nuclei in an energy range of about 5 – 20 MeV. The experiments provide not only the E1 but also the M1 part of the GSF. The latter is poorly known in heavy nuclei. Comparison with gamma decay data (e.g. from the Oslo method) allows to test the generalised Brink-Axel (BA) hypothesis in the energy region of the pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) crucial for the modelling of (n,γ) and (γ,n) reactions in astrophysical reaction networks. From the two test cases studied, 208Pb remains inconclusive in the energy region of the PDR because of large Porter-Thomas fluctuations due to the small level density (LD), while the BA hypothesis seems to hold in case of 96Mo. A fluctuation analysis of the high-resolution data also provides a direct measure of the LD in the energy region of the isovector giant dipole resonance (IVGDR) well above the neutron threshold, where hardly any experimental information is available. This permits an independent test of the decomposition of GSF and LD in Oslo-type experiments.