Summary: | ‘Nam Dok Mai’ mango is a luxury commercial fruit in Thailand, but post-harvest diseases infecting the ripe fruit is a major problem affecting marketability. The objective of the present study was to map the supply chain of ‘Nam Dok Mai’ mangoes exported to Japan and analyze the critical points of post-harvest disease infection caused mainly by <i>Colletotrichum gloeosporioides</i>. Risk points of the post-harvest diseases were found by examining the material and information flows from processes ranging from field production to post-harvest handling, and these were obtained from mango growers and an exporter. The findings of interviews with mango growers and observations of the mangoes in field production were that the first point of risk was cultivar selection, while branch pruning and fruit bagging were further important processes causing post-harvest fruit decay. On the other hand, it was found that post-harvest handling was significant in decreasing anthracnose disease infection; this was seen at the step of dipping the fruit in 50 °C hot water for 3 min at the processing line.