Summary: | Pelvic lymphocoele is a result of systemic surgical lymph nodes removal leading to the accumulation of proteinrichinterstitial fluid in the extraperitoneal space. The presence of fluid arrested within the tissue accompanied bya decrease in the amount of oxygen and proteolytic activity evoke chronic infection. The excess of protein in thepresence of a bacterial infection additionally deteriorate lymphatic dysfunction. The most common bacteria causingthe infection are haemolytic streptococci. Moreover, the oedema makes tissue nutrition and healing of the wounddifficult. There are no randomised clinical trials devoted to specific lymphocoele treatment. The aim of the therapyis stabilization of lymphocyst, its decrease by needle aspiration and the improvement of the patient’s quality of lifeas well as the prevention and treatment of side effects. In the article we describe both surgical and pharmacologicaloptions of lymphocoele treatment with special attention paid to sclerotherapy.