Summary: | Development of sustainable tourism constitutes an essential component of Nigeria’s agenda for attaining
sustainable development by the year 2020. The level of utilization of existing tourism capacities of
national parks can affect the attainment of this goal. The present study examined capacity and levels of
utilization of tourism potentials of Yankari National Park (YNP) and Cross River National Park (CRNP).
Mean visitor holding capacity (MVHC) of each park over the period 2002 – 2006 was determined. Further,
mean visitation of the parks during the study period was obtained from records of tourism visitation of the
parks. From these, capacity utilizations were determined. Cross sectional survey of levels of utilization of
attractions in each park was conducted using questionnaire. YNP recorded 49.3% capacity utilization;
while CRNP had 3.5%. Both parks witnessed varying levels of utilization of their existing potentials. In
YNP, game viewing and warm spring bathing had high levels of utilization (91% and 64% respectively).
Old iron smelting sites and Dukkey Wells recorded low levels of utilization (1.0% each). In CRNP,
rainforest experience and cave adventure had high utilization levels (93.3% and 68.3% respectively).
Neither park had optimum use of its potentials. Updating of parks’ tourism infrastructure and creation of
better awareness of the parks as tourist destinations were recommended for beefing up capacity and
levels of utilization of the parks.