Summary: | As well as hunger, thirst is today, and throughout the history of the
environment, a huge problem in many parts of the world. The thirst is conditioned by physical and physiological elements of the water body. In the area of Herzegovina thirst is the result of geological and geomorphologic frame. In fact, there is cca 1700 mm of rain per year, but very little is retained on the surface as a surface stream flow. This is Herzegovina karst, where the circulation of water is released into the underworld by numerous fracture systems, abyss, caves, estavela, etc. Humans and sometimes state built cisterns, wells and troughs for keeping this precious liquid. However, poverty of surface water is resulting in poverty and constant emigration of the population from these areas. Those who remained had to adapt to the natural features. Because of that, numerous elements are made for water collection, accumulation and use of water in Herzegovina karst. Today they are mostly abandoned. Their presence in the landscape makes it specific, and therefore, these objects have become our heritage. Unfortunately, in Herzegovina karst many of these objects are overgrown with weeds, and the water tanks themselves are damaged or even buried. It is necessary to do a project for their conservation as an element of national heritage. And habilitate at least some cisterns, which were built by the Austro-Hungary for the needs of herding in this area.