Summary: | This article aims to discuss the construction of truths regarding adolescents under protection measures. Therefore, medical reports of 10 adolescents sheltered from 2015 to 2016 were analyzed. The inclusion criterion for the production of data was that the adolescents, in addition to having passed through the sheltering institution, were also attended, at some point, by the Centro de AtençãoPsicossocial da Infância e Adolescência (CAPSIA) [Center for Psychosocial Care of Children and Adolescents]. The study conducted is divided into two movements: first, to show the construction of truths that contain biographies of adolescents in which everything is already foreseen; on the other hand, to point out that the gaps in the medical reports, as well as their profusion of prescriptions and referrals, also indicate the composition of other forces which end up doubling the prescriptions and seeking the writing of what has been called life-poems. In order to carry out a discussion from the data of the medical reports, the trajectory of an adolescent was used as a means to make such power games visible.