Summary: | This article contributes to a dialogue on the influence Living
Educational Theory has had on the practice of a teacher as she
tried to answer the question 'How do I improve my practice?'
Here I elucidate how my living-educational-theory, through
values-based dialogues, has enabled me to achieve
competency in my research on my practice. Seeking to answer
the question ‘What has the educational influence of the Living
Educational Theory been on me and my work?’ I revisit my
doctoral thesis and my previous papers published in the
Educational Journal of Living Theory. Starting from 2006, when
I wrote my doctoral thesis, I track a journey of fifteen years and
reveal the role of my living-educational-theory, which
developed as I worked in the field of life-skills education with
students and teachers. As a living-theorist I am aware of the
characteristic subjectivity of my research and thus I rely on the
strength and soundness of my reflections and the details of my
experience in order to invoke validity. I construct meaning from
my experiences through reflections on them and share this
learning through a Patchwork Text. I have stitched together a
narrative of my theory and practice to provide a tool for critical
thinking as I re-assess my living-educational-theory.