Summary: | <pre>Introduction:</pre><pre>Systematic physical activity contributes to the development of adptive changes in the human body.</pre><pre>Purpose of the work:</pre><pre>The aim of the study was: To assess adaptive changes under the influence of recreational training used in men based on selected parameters.</pre><pre>Material and method:</pre><pre>53 men aged 45 (± 6) years were examined. The tests were performed at the beginning and end of training lasting 18 weeks. Men undertook systematic training three times a week. The training units lasted 1.5 hours, the work performed was continuous, mainly based on oxygen metabolism with elements of anaerobic effort.</pre><pre>BMI, HR, RR, VC, TV, IRV, ERV, IC and the difference in chest circumferences between inspiration and exhalation were assessed in the subjects.</pre><p class="western"> Results:</p><pre>Average values were obtained: BMI 26 (± 2), there was no difference in measured chest circumferences before and after the training period. The measured RR values showed a significant statistical difference for diastolic pressure. Diastolic pressure decreased by 4 mmHg at significance level p = 0.000. The mean HR measured before and after the training period showed constant values of 68 (± 11) bpm. Similarly, the VC average showed no change. A significant decrease in the ERV parameter was noted for p = 0.03. The average value of ERV, IRV, TV measured before and after the training period did not show significant differences. A significant difference was observed during the IC measurement, where this parameter increased its value at the significance level p = 0.02.</pre><pre>Conclusions:</pre><pre>Adaptive changes and their trends depend on the type of physical training used.<br />
Not every type of systematic training used for 18 weeks will cause significant adaptive changes.</pre>