Summary: | Energy autonomy is still a big problem nationally In Indonesia, with only 4% of energy use outside fossil energy in general. Indonesia has made a major policy in this regard, with Government Regulation No. 79 of 2004 concerning National Energy Policy until 2050 on October 17, 2014. Potential maximization efforts would be interesting with utilizing the potential of energy independence into a tourism village conducted by the DRPM PPDM UMMagelang Team. These efforts certainly require a maximum community participation. This study was conducted in Gedangan Village, Cepogo District, Boyolali Regency. The method used is descriptive qualitative approach to action research participation, where researchers are directly involved in community development. Informants are selected through a purposive criteria for the actors and empowerment targets. The results showed that up to July 2020 the program had run 70%. Community participation is important in achieving this.The pandemic era is also not an obstacle for the local community to keep up with the activity. Because according to Habermas consensus can not only occur in direct communication media but also digital communication media. To reach consensus not only talk about direct participation but participation through various media.