Summary: | Development of natural resources and environmental protection volunteer network
villages in Mahasarakham province. The purposes of this research were 1) to study current
conditions and problems of Network volunteers escort the natural resources and
environment village (NEV-Net) of Mahasarakham province, 2) to develop model of village
natural resource and environmental protected volunteer network (NEV-Net) to be efficient,
and 3) to compare the knowledge, attitudes and participation in the management of natural
resources and environment. The sample were 30 volunteers. The result showed that:
1. Current conditions and problem, result revealed that NEV-Net has not yet been developed
into concrete and cognitive problem found that Most do not have knowledge about and
don’t understand about the roles of network volunteers escort the natural resources and
environment village. Found that NEV-Net. Management problem administration has not yet
streamlined, lack of network coordination, lack of knowledge and lack of personnel, budgets
continuous support. 2. To develop a volunteer network of environmental and natural resource
dissolved village (NEV-Net). Researchers used guidelines in development is Network model.
By training and discussion groups, study results showed that, the performance of the
NEV-Net. during training and after training is equal to 86.50/88.00. From the discussion
group, study results showed that, volunteer network of environmental and natural resource
dissolved village is network 4CRAF. Are as follows: Committee, Rule, Activities and Fund.
3. Found that after training, NEV-Net. Overall, there is a different level of education and
age, knowledge, attitudes and participation in the management of natural resources and
environment do not differ and there is no interaction between age and education level. When
considering a list of found of attitudes in the Water resources management and Forest resources management do not differ. For Knowledge and participation in the Water resources
management and Forest resources at statistical significantly level .05. By the NEV-Net.
Education below Bachelor degree have greater knowledge Bachelor degree level.