Summary: | The inevitable consequence of the operation of landfills is the emission of leachate, which is considered to be one of the main polluters of the ground and water environment. The leachate contains soluble organic compounds, inorganic contaminants, suspended solids, heavy metals and dangerous substances. The selection of the leachate disposal method requires a comprehensive assessment of its properties. Therefore, the physicochemical parameters and toxicity tests were chosen for a comprehensive assessment of the properties of leachate. Four municipal waste landfills (operational and non-operational) were selected for the study, for which multidimensional statistical analyses were carried out. The study was conducted between the period of April 2018 and December 2019. The comprehensive assessment showed that pollutants in leachate from the analyzed landfills remained at a level which did not allow them to be discharged to water or soil. The presence of substances particularly harmful to the aquatic environment (e.g AN, chromium, copper) may hinder their treatment together with household sewage, as it involves obtaining a permit required under laws. Toxicity of leachate may also be a problem, as it may persist after the treatment process is completed. The values of pH, EC and the concentrations of ON, TDS, TSS, chloride, iron and manganese had the strongest influence on the properties of leachate from all landfills. For operational landfills, these were also calcium concentrations, for non-operational ones COD, TU and the concentrations of TKN, AN, TS, sodium, potassium and magnesium. The mentioned parameters also showed strong correlation with other physicochemical properties of the leachate, which indicate their suitability for the monitoring of leachate and the aquatic environment in the vicinity of municipal waste landfills.