Summary: | Objective: To analyze food and nutrition education initiatives in Brazilian towns and cities to provide further insights into Food and Nutrition Education-related theoretical and methodological strategies and the application of them in schools. Methods: Cross-sectional exploratory study that used a secondary database obtained from the “Efficient School Meal Manager” Award database, in 2010. A total of 786 municipal schools enrolled in this award. The variables relative to Food and Nutrition Education were execution of activities and theoretical-methodological strategies used to perform them, as well as frequency of activities. Descriptive statistics was performed using Pearson´s Chi-square test for quantitative data and Content Analysis method for qualitative data. Results: The activities reported most often were development of pedagogical gardens and use of food from family farmers, manly in the south region of Brazil, with a significant statistical difference (p <0.05). Discussion: There was predominance of passive methods and one-off activities in the implementation of food and nutrition education in Brazilian towns and cities, as well as appreciation of nutrition (nutrients and functions) to the detriment of food and local food culture. Conclusions: The implementation of active methodologies with a comprehensive approach to food should be encouraged in the school environment. This experience of the program can be important for implementation of Food and Nutrition Education guidelines in schools.
DOI: 10.12957/demetra.2019.38748