Summary: | A metabolic block favoring long sweet life A Sake yeast strain deficient in producing the protein building block serine lives longer than other yeast strains, especially when exposed to high glucose. A team led by Carole Linster at the University of Luxembourg found a broad variability of lifespan when analyzing more than fifty Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from around the world. Combining hundreds of lifespan measurements with genotype data from a progeny obtained by crossing the long-lived Sake strain and a short-lived collection strain, they identified two genes playing a pivotal role in causing the contrasting aging behavior of the parents: RIM15, when glucose was limiting and SER1, when glucose was plenty. RIM15 is part of a signaling cascade also regulating aging in mammals; SER1 revealed that a blockage in serine synthesis reprograms metabolism to favor glucose storage and long life.