Li tter Fall i n A Pri mary an d Two Logged -over Lowland Tropical Rainfore sts in Pasirmayang, Jam bi.

Litte r accu mulatio n in a prim ary and a log g ed-ove r lo wland dipterocarp fore st at Pa si rmayang, Ja mbi wa s measu red u sin g the litte r trap met hod . In the p rimary fore st , tra p s were placed in fou r d istinc t areas, reflectin g th e su ccess ion stages of the fo...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Article
Published: SEAMEO, BIOTROP 1999-01-01
Series:Biotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology
Online Access:
Summary:Litte r accu mulatio n in a prim ary and a log g ed-ove r lo wland dipterocarp fore st at Pa si rmayang, Ja mbi wa s measu red u sin g the litte r trap met hod . In the p rimary fore st , tra p s were placed in fou r d istinc t areas, reflectin g th e su ccess ion stages of the fo rest fr om building t o mat u ration. In the logged-over fo re st , litter p roduc tion w a s measured at two differe nt si tes, one cut in 197 9/1980 a nd t h e second i n 1 983/1984. In the prim ary fore st , ave rage litter production during the ob serv ation period wa s 925 g m"2yr '. In the lo gged -over f o r e st , ave rage l itte r production wa s 721 g m '2 yr1 for t h e sit e cut in 1979 /198 0 and 70 6 g m '2 yr1 f o r the site cut in 19 83/1 984 . Leave s com p ri sed the major con tri butor of litter wit h 67% of tota l litter produced in t h e pri m ary forest, 67% of total litter i n the 1979/ 1980 cut log g ed-o ver fore st, and 65 % of total li tter in the 1983/1984 cut logged-over fore st . The pu rp ose of the stu dy wa s to use litte r fa ll a s a measure of forest pro ductivi ty to a ssess the recovery of log g ed -over forests and , t o pro v ide a basi s for co mpariso n o f forest-de rived land practices for app ropriate fo re st manage ment stra tegies .