Summary: | ABSTRACT
The main problem in this study is that students often experience difficulties in
writing thesis, thus affecting the accuracy in completing the study. Among the
obstacles is that students do not understand the problems to be studied, and are
not accustomed to writing scientific papers, this is seen in the tendency of
students who will write a thesis to look for research titles, not looking for
problems to be studied. This study aims to: First, find out the relationship
between the achievements of learning basics of research with the quality of thesis.
Second, knowing the relationship between the achievement of statistical learning
and the quality of the thesis. Third, knowing the relationship between learning
achievement of research basics and achievement of statistical learning with the
quality of thesis. The research method is a survey with a correlational form, with
a population of STKIP Muhammadiyah Bogor students in semester VIII (eight)
of 2016/2017 academic year totaling 126 people, with a sample of 40 people. The
conclusion of this study are: First, there is a positive influence between the
variables of learning achievement of research basics (X1) with the quality of
thesis (Y). Second, there is a positive influence between the variables of the
achievement of statistical learning (X2) with the quality of the thesis (Y). Third,
there is a positive relationship between the variables of learning achievement of
research basics (X1) and achievement of statistical learning (X2) with the quality
of thesis (Y).
Keywords: learning achievement, research basics, statistics, and thesis quality.