Summary: | <p>Se brinda un modelo de una ballesta por el MEF incluyendo el contacto y la fricción. El problema se convierte en no lineal<br />y se resuelve por el método de Newton-Raphson como un problema de optimización con restricciones. Se hace un análisis<br />de las condiciones iniciales y de contorno para alcanzar la solución en un tiempo razonable, dando una estrategia para<br />calcular el valor del penalty. Se logra una buena correspondencia en tre los valores de desplazamiento reales y teóricos.<br />Finalmente se hace el análisis modal del modelo.</p><p><br />Palabras claves: Ballestas, contacto, vibraciones, MEF.</p><p>_____________________________________________________________________________</p><p>Abstract:</p><p>A finite element model of a real laminated spring under bending should include the phenomena of contact and friction<br />between leaves, in order to obtain values of displacements, stresses, gap, etc. close to reality. Considering contact and friction leads<br />to a non-linear problem, which must be solved using numerical methods (Newton-Raphson), resulting in a classic optimization<br />problem with constraints. The success of solution depends strongly on boundary conditions and initial values. A strategy for<br />determining penalty values in the case of a multi leaf bending problem is presented, allowing a good correspondence with real<br />displacements. The non-linear behavior of the leaf spring suspension referred to spring rate is shown. The modal analysis also gave<br />firsts natural frequencies in the usual span for trucks and semi-trailers.</p><p><br />Key words: Laminated spring, contact, vibration.</p>