Summary: | Compton scattering of gamma radiation was applied for nondestructive testing of the shogun mandarin fruits with good quality defined as no dry sack or dry fibrous structures inside. In principle, the scattering deviated angles to the left and right of a gamma ray that penetrates through a homogeneous fibrous structure meat of any orange fruit should be equal. The source Cs-137, with an initial gamma ray activity of 9.25 mCi, placed in a 7 cm thick lead shielding, was radiated through a 10 mm diameter collimator onto any single fruit to be tested. A NaI(Tl)-detector, oriented perpendicular to both left and right of theincoming beam, was placed 5 cm from the fruit. Results showed that the net count rate of the scattering beam between the left and right counting for good-quality shogun mandarin with proper tissue for consumption was less than 85 counts per minute (average 83 cpm), whereas shogun mandarin with dry sack, which were unfit for consumption, had twice that rate or more (average 175 cpm).