Summary: | The article deals with the impact of inflow of foreignpopulation on the GDP of a country (Russia). For the first time in the Russian practices statistical researchmethods have been used to evaluate the degree ofsuch influence for Russia. This is a groundbreaking innovative approach. The correlation ratio for thedepartures from trend for the seven years’ period, the correlation ratio for the departures from trendfor the ten years’ period, and the correlation ratio for the departures from trend with the time implicationsare compared with each other. In order to ensure the accuracy of the results the correlation ratio for thedepartures from trend with the time implications hasbeen chosen and calculated mathematically for thetwo parameters such as the inflow of foreign population and Russia’s GDP. Based on the findings of theresearch work, the author has arrived at the conclusion that there exists a persistent close and inverserelationship between value of the immigration inflow and that of Russia’s GDP, where the uncontrollable inflow of foreign population has a persistent adverseimpact on Russia’s GDP and economy.